By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
Stockholm, Oct. 5(ChinaEuropeDialogue, CED)– Thumb up for Swedish Academy for rearrangement of the press room.

16 years ago when I first came to this press room, I saw many people and it was too crowded. But when I entered the room and looked further to the back of the room, I found that there were big space and a lot of benches.
But they didn’t use it for journalists. When I went out of the room with a lot of sweat, I asked a staff why they didn’t use the space and the benches so that journalists could sit down, she said no, they just wanted such a scene to look very crowded and too many people around.
I thought it was an idea of cooking up. Ok.
But today when I came in after three years of Covid-19 break for mankind in the world, I found they rearranged the place exactly as I wished 16 years ago. What a surprise! I became so happy and like to tell everyone, they’re rational now.
It is a little bit pitiful that there are no books this year. Other years there are always book exhibitions. Maybe we have to wait until after the announcement of the prize, then they will put the books of the laureates out on the table! That is reasonable!
Anyway, let’s see who will win the Nobel Prize in literature 2023. Some rumours said Chinese writer Can Xue maybe possible. But after Mo Yan won prize in 2012, no Chinese writer won again. There was one year after that I asked Peter Englund why Chinese writer didn’t win, he asked me, do you think the Chinese writer should win the prize every year?
I was speechless. Right, now 11 years have passed. Let’s see what will happen.