By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, April 20(CED)– China-Europe Culturall Association and Kinesiska Artisterförening will joinly hold a Chinese cultural night by participating in the Kulturnatt i Stockholm and becomes a part of the kulturnatt i Stockholm.


Stockholm Kulturnatt, Chinese Cultural Night 

时间Time42218:00-24:00 April 22.

地点Place:斯德哥尔摩中国文化中心,CCCS. Västra Trädgårdgatan 2, T-Centralen. Stockholm. 

18:00-19:00:Chinese Cultural Night with calligraphy and dumpling teaching workshop.

Appreciation of Chinese paintings by Beijing woman artist Li Li. 

19:15-20:30 :  music concert med kinesiska och Svenska artister

1合唱     相逢是首歌, 这世界那么多人   表演者 艺术家协会合唱团

指挥 董家俊  

 To meet is a song,The world has so many people by kinesiska artister Choir

2.女声独唱     万事如意       乡愁   演唱者 付晓芳

Solo: All the best,  Nostalgia   by Fu Xiaofang

3. 中国太极扇            吴春莹

Chinese Taiji Fan                             by Lisa Chunying Wu

4. 古筝演奏     覃凤乔        1,渔舟唱晚     2, 瑶族舞曲

Guzheng Instrument    Fisherman sing in the evening           Yaozu Dance   

by Qin Fengqiao          

5. Solo  月亮代表我的心 ,庄丽   The Moon represents my heart by Zhuangli, accompanied by Yan Hongmei and Song Bingxin 伴唱:严红梅 宋冰心。

Balladen om herr Fredrik Åkare och den söta fröken Cecilia Lind

6. 太极拳表演 Taiji performance          by   Hans Landeström 

7. 男声独唱 1 En säng av rosor.         2,眼泪 tears, Tårar av Yang Long杨龙

8.董家俊 葫芦丝        独奏    月光下的凤尾竹 Hulusi  Peacock tails bamboo under the moonlight, by Dong Jiajun

9.昆曲    吴江燕    牡丹亭选段,游园,  Peony Pavillion by Wu Jiangyan, Kunqu

10.男声独唱        Daniel Rosén中国民歌 康定情歌,2.När som gräset det vajar. 

手风琴伴奏 王可  Accordion accompaniment  Wang Ke

  1.  旗袍走秀     Qipao Show   Stockholm’s night led by Zhouhong
  2. 女声独唱 邹荣美  1. 父亲的草原母亲的河, 2. 我爱你塞北的雪 手风琴伴奏王可

Soprano  by Zou Rongmei.  Father’s Prairie and Mother’s River. I love you, the snow in the north border. Accordion accompaniment Wang Ke        

20:30-23:30  Film, So long my son. 

Co-hosted By China-Europe Cultural Association and Chinese Artists Association in Sweden.

主办单位: 中欧文化协会,瑞典华人艺术家协会







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By Chinaeuropenet

Xuefei Chen Axelsson is an independent media person. She has been a journalist for 30 years. She studied English, International politics, and sustainable development. She has been to Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia and South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and America, Canada, France, Germany, Spain and all the nordic countries including Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Britain. She is good at talking with all kinds of people and exchange ideas and serves as a bridge between China and the world.

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