Producers: Kristina Åberg and Fredrik Zander Comedy Queen Producers: Anna Anthony and Rebecka Lafrenz Historjá – Stitches for Sápmi Producers: Pelle Nilsson and Mattias Nohrborg I Am Zlatan Producers: Fredrik Heinig, Frida Bargo and Mattias Nohrborg Triangle of Sadness Producers: Erik Hemmendorff and Philippe Bober BEST DIRECTORSanna Lenken for Comedy Queen Tarik Saleh for Boy from Heaven Jens Sjögren for I Am Zlatan Ruben Östlund for Triangle of Sadness BEST ACTRESS IN A LEADING ROLESigrid Johnson for Sasha in Comedy Queen Bahar Pars for Nilo in Maya Nilo (Laura) Vera Vitali for Lisa in Long Live the Bonus FamilyKatia Winter for Hanna in The Year I Started MasturbatingBEST ACTOR IN A LEADING ROLETawfeek Barhom for Adam in Boy from Heaven Granit Rushiti for Zlatan in I Am ZlatanOscar Töringe for Abbe in Comedy Queen Sven Wollter (posthumously) for Malte in Day by DayBEST ACTRESS IN A SUPPORTING ROLEDolly de Leon for Abigail in Triangle of Sadness Marika Lindström for Karin Stolpe in Burn All My LettersLiv Mjönes for Ullis in R.S.V.P.Carla Sehn for Stella in Locals BEST ACTOR IN A SUPPORTING ROLEHåkan Bengtsson for Nils-Åke in I Am ZlatanZlatko Burić for Dimitry in Triangle of Sadness Fares Fares for Ibrahim in Boy from Heaven Sten Ljunggren for Sven Stolpe in Burn All My LettersBEST SCREENPLAYTarik Saleh for Boy from Heaven David Lagercrantz and Jakob Beckman for I Am ZlatanLovisa Sirén and Peter Modestij for Maya Nilo (Laura) Ruben Östlund for Triangle of Sadness BEST EDITINGTheis Schmidt for Boy from Heaven Åsa Mossberg and Line Schou for DaughtersFredrik Morheden and Crazy Pictures for UFO Sweden BEST CINEMATOGRAPHYSimon Pramsten for Comedy Queen Stellan Runge for Burn All My LettersJonas Alarik for Black CrabBEST SOUND DESIGN Ted Krotkiewski for All of Our Heartbeats Are Connected Through Exploding Stars Johan Johnson for Historjá – Stitches for Sápmi Fredrik Jonsäter for I Am ZlatanBEST ORIGINAL SCOREIrya Gmeyner and Martin Hederos for Comedy Queen Eirik Havnes for Historjá – Stitches for Sápmi Lisa Montan for JerryMaya’s Detective Agency – The Riddle of the ScorpionBEST VISUAL EFFECTSSimon Sandin for Black CrabPeter Hjorth, Peter Toggeth Karlsson and Ludwig Källén for Triangle of Sadness Jacob Danell and Crazy Pictures for UFO Sweden BEST COSTUME DESIGNDenise Östholm for Boy from Heaven Ingrid Sjögren for Burn All My LettersSofie Krunegård for Triangle of Sadness BEST SET DESIGNJosefin Åsberg for Burn All My LettersLinda Janson for Black CrabJosefin Åsberg for Triangle of Sadness BÄSTA MAKEUPEva von Bahr for Burn All My LettersEglė Mikalauskaitė-Gricienė for Hilma Stefanie Gredig for Triangle of Sadness Special jury groups for documentary films and short films have decided on the following nominations:BEST SHORT FILMDance My Doll Director: Jasmijn Kooijman The Story of Bodri Director: Stina Wirsén Little to Big Directors: Ellen Fiske and Ellinor Hallin BEST DOCUMENTARY FILMDaughters Director: Jenifer Malmqvist Historjá – Stitches for Sápmi Director: Thomas Jackson Nelly & Nadine Director: Magnus Gertten The Scars of Ali Boulala Director: Max Eriksson Other awards at the ceremonyThe Award of Honour (Hedersguldbagge) will be presented, as well as the Gullspira (for extraordinary contributions in films for children) and the The Guldbagge Audience Award.Awarded annually since 1964, the Guldbagge (“Golden Beetle”) is the name of the Swedish Film Institute’s award for achievements in film during the previous year. The award itself, in the form of a fantastical beetle, was designed by the artist Karl Axel Pehrson.About the nominationsIn total, 23 films were nominated – 15 features, five documentaries and three short films. 9 nominations: Triangle of Sadness 7 nominations: Boy from Heaven 6 nominations: Burn All My Letters, Comedy Queen and I Am Zlatan 4 nominations: Historjá – Stitches for Sápmi 3 nominations: Black Crab2 nominations: Daughters, Maya Nilo (Laura) and UFO SwedenThe Guldbagge Awards ceremony will be held at Cirkus in Stockholm on January 23, 2023. Swedish Television (SVT) will be broadcasting the event live. |