GLOBALink | China’s new five-year plan offers opportunities for Europe: German expert
Stockholm, March 11(Chinaeurope)– China’s 14th Five-Year Plan gives China more possibilities for sustainable growth, and brings great opportunities for European…
Cooperation and Development
Stockholm, March 11(Chinaeurope)– China’s 14th Five-Year Plan gives China more possibilities for sustainable growth, and brings great opportunities for European…
Stockholm, March 10 (Chinaeurope) — When the COVID-19 pandemic drained global economic confidence last year, China’s dynamic market brought a…
Stockholm, March 11, (Chinaeurope) — The following is the CCTV video about Premier Li Keqiang’s press conference.
Stockholm, March 11 (Chinaeurope) — China and the United States should strive for the sustained and healthy development of their…
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang meets the press after the closing of the fourth session of the 13th National People’s Congress…
– China observers in the United States have highlighted the Asian country’s determination to pursue high-quality growth and sustainable development…
Stockholm, March 8 (Chinaeurope) — China has offered the vision of building a community with a shared future for humanity…
MV:民心所依新华网客户端306.3万 贫困 是一道困扰中国千年的难题 新中国历经几代人的奋斗 在迎来中国共产党成立一百周年的重要时刻 脱贫攻坚战取得了全面胜利 现行标准下 9899万农村贫困人口全部脱贫 832个贫困县全部摘帽 12.8万个贫困村全部出列 区域性整体贫困得到解决 完成了消除绝对贫困的艰巨任务 值此之际 新华网和全国妇联宣传部联合推出 原创MV《民心所依》 致敬这彪炳史册的人间奇迹 致敬千千万万为摆脱贫困矢志奋斗的人们 致敬这个伟大的时代!